When you need to file for a divorce in Nebraska and have children, you may think the process will be drawn out. Fortunately, there are situations where it doesn’t have to be a long, extended process. If you have no custody or property disputes, it’s possible to have a simplified case where your attorney represents you for only part of your divorce.
Limited Scope Representation is good for couples who are divorcing but who agree on visitation and custody, property division and other factors of the divorce. This process isn’t suitable for those who are in the military, and it’s not a good idea for those who would want to seek alimony. Neither party may have a retirement plan or pension if they want to go through a divorce with Limited Scope Representation.
If you decide to be fully represented, know that you can file for divorce once you or your spouse has been a resident in Nebraska for at least one year. Once you are sure you want to get a divorce, you can file a Complaint for Dissolution with the local clerk of the District Court in any county where you or your spouse lives.
Since you have children, it’s important to design a parenting plan and have it approved by the court. Additionally, your attorney will help you complete and file documents with the court that are necessary for your divorce. For example, the parenting plan and Financial Affidavit for Child Support have to be filed with the court. Nebraska also requires that both parents take a parenting education class prior to the divorce.
Source: State of Nebraska Judicial Branch, “Filing for Divorce in Nebraska — With Children But With No Custody Disputes, Visitation Disputes or Property Disputes,” accessed April 07, 2017