Nothing prepares you for a rear-end accident. You're just sitting at a red light, waiting for it to turn green, thinking about what you need to get from the store. Suddenly, there is the squeal of tires on the pavement and another car slams into the back of your...
Car Accidents
Drivers usually won’t admit when they’re at fault
As you drive through an intersection, another car runs a stop sign and slams into you. Then, to your astonishment, the other driver gets out of the car and starts yelling at you, saying that you caused the crash.You can hardly believe it. The crash clearly happened...
When should you stay off the roads to avoid drunk drivers?
Despite everything that we know about the dangers of driving while intoxicated, you still know that people do it every single day. It happens even more on the weekends. There's always the risk that someone who is impaired by alcohol or drugs is going to run into you...
Which distractions behind the wheel cause the most car accidents?
At one time, driving meant getting behind the wheel, pointing your vehicle in a direction and moving from point A to point B. During these early years of traveling via motor vehicle, there were no cellphones or other things that could steal away your attention....
Tips to drive safely during Nebraska’s autumn season
While most Nebraska residents dread driving during the winter, the autumn season can be just as hazardous, if not more so, for motorists. One of the things that makes driving in the fall dangerous is not understanding the hazards this beautiful time of year...
Should you drink a coffee while you drive?
Every day, you stop by a coffee shop on your way to work. You need that shot of caffeine to get the day off on the right foot. You have a 30-minute commute anyway, so you figure it is the perfect time to drink your coffee before you even get to the office.As common as...
Red light accident leaves 1 car in flames
An accident at a red light in Nebraska left an SUV burning on the pavement, engulfed in flames. Reports show that the accident, which happened in Omaha, occurred when one vehicle drove straight through an intersection, heading north.At the same time, another vehicle...
What to do when other drivers make critical mistakes
Most accidents are caused by human error, so knowing how to react when another driver makes a critical mistake could save your life. You must know what to do in advance. Here are three different situations and how to react.1. An oncoming car drifts into your lane....
After the crash: You can get compensation for losing a job
When you got into a crash, the last thing that you thought was that you'd be unable to return to work. You thought you were fine, but after weeks of recovery, you don't see yourself being able to work any time soon.You've been left with chronic pain, and you're still...
Are American roads more dangerous than roads in other countries?
American roadways are not the safest in the world, and they are statistically more dangerous than Europe's roadways. Why is that the case, though, when the U.S. does have significant road rules and traffic regulations?Per capita, traffic fatalities in the United...