Technology has its perks, and keeping dangerous drivers off the roads might be one of them. Today, federal guidelines require truck drivers to have electronic devices installed in their vehicles. These devices track their total work hours, helping prevent drivers from...
Month: December 2017
Divorce Day is on the horizon: Here’s what you should know
Although it's a kitschy name, Divorce Day is coming up fast. What is Divorce Day? It's the single day of the year when the most divorce cases are started with attorneys. It's the Monday following Christmas break, a time when the holidays are over and people can...
Avoid a DUI this holiday season with these tips
Hundreds of people lose their lives every year because of drunk drivers. The national average each year just in the week between Christmas and the New Year is 500 fatalities related to drunk driving. The sad part about this is that nearly all of those incidents could...
Good night, sleep tight, unless you’re driving at the time
If you've ever been driving along a Nebraska highway only to have a tractor-trailer barrel up behind you or cut you off at an exit, you understand how utterly frightening such situations can be. If you've been a licensed driver for any length of time, you've likely...
Crash results in death of 86-year-old woman in Nebraska
In most states, texting and driving is illegal. Even if it isn't, being distracted behind the wheel is. If a driver isn't paying attention, he or she puts others at risk. That's a risk they shouldn't be forcing others to take.Unfortunately, some drivers do make the...