Many driving under the influence (DUI) offenses involve technical violations. Drivers get stopped by the police while their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is over the legal limit and fail tests. While state law refers to such offenses as DUI cases, many people...
How to fight a DUI in Nebraska
The arrest and prosecution of a DUI case in Nebraska involve specific legal procedures that law enforcement must follow, or a judge might dismiss the charge. These intricacies of DUI law provide valuable opportunities a person can use to fight a conviction. The...
A drunk driving conviction can cost you dearly
With the start of the holiday season, you may already have a calendar full of parties and get-togethers for the coming weeks. Between family, friends and co-workers, you may have more festivities than you can handle. Many of these activities will offer alcoholic...
4 tips for drinking more responsibly
Whether you have Christmas parties to attend or are already getting excited for New Year's Eve, you will likely get together with friends and family as the year starts coming to a close. In addition to thinking of resolutions and goals for the coming year, you may...
Your DWI and its potential impact on your car insurance
A criminal charge can affect your life in many ways. There are potential penalties you may face that can include time behind bars and expensive fines. If you are facing charges of drunk driving, a conviction can bring penalties that may include loss of your driving...
Man may receive DUI after crash leaves girl in critical condition
People convicted of a DUI here in Nebraska can likely attest to just how much it can change a person's life. Not only does the person face the possibility of losing his or her license, depending on the circumstances around the case, the person may have to serve jail...
Do you know what to expect from a DUI conviction?
You may already be noticing changes in driving conditions as winter draws ever closer. The end of daylight saving time means you may be driving in the dark on your daily commute, and it won't be long before the roads turn slick with ice and snow. Even in ideal...
When refusing to comply with a breathalyzer test is bad
While many people in Nebraska are aware of the risks, dangers and consequences of driving under the influence, there are still stories that surface of accidents that were caused by an impaired driver. If people are pulled over after they have been drinking and are...
Can I get a job with a criminal record?
If you are among the many people who live in Nebraska and have some sort of criminal activity on your record, you may worry about how or where you might be able to get a new job. Being employed and earning a living is an essential element to moving your life forward...
Alleged Nebraska hit and run injures two motorcyclists
"Hit and run" is a colloquial phrase that describes a situation in which someone involved in a motor vehicle accident leaves the scene before authorities arrive. The driver and passenger of a vehicle that allegedly struck two motorcyclists appear to...