When there are large trucks on the road, it can be a recipe for a disaster. These large vehicles are harder to stop, so a driver who isn’t paying attention or who has to evade another driver may find that he or she can’t avoid an impact.
For people in passenger vehicles, this could mean serious injuries or death as a result of a catastrophic collision. With the weight of semis along with their potential hazardous or heavy materials, there is a high risk of crushing the vehicle in one of many ways.
In this case, a vehicle was pinned between two trucks as a result of one driver’s error. While most of the victims walked away from the crash, one did not. The four-vehicle collision in Omaha left a woman dead. According to the news from Aug. 21, the 19-year-old woman died after a vehicle she was traveling in was struck from behind. The story states that the crash occurred when the vehicle, a Toyota Prius, was rear-ended by a westbound semitruck on Interstate 80.
After being struck, the Prius traveled forward and was forced into the tail end of another semi. Another car was involved at this point, but the driver didn’t suffer any major injuries. The driver of the second semi was not injured.
The driver of the Prius, along with three passengers, suffered injuries that were not life-threatening. One backseat passenger was not as lucky, suffering fatal injuries in the crash. She was pronounced dead shortly after the 10:00 a.m. collision after being taken to Nebraska Medicine.
This crash may have been preventable. This case is still under investigation. If something like this happens to you, you can seek compensation for your losses, whether you’ve been injured or now have to mourn the loss of a loved one.
Source: Omaha World-Herald, “Creighton student killed in I-80 crash Monday remembered as a ‘beautiful, gentle soul’,” Erin Duffy, Aug. 23, 2017