When you go cycling, you know that you have the same rights as anyone else on the roads. Despite that, you’re at a higher risk of being injured. Drivers may not see you as easily on your bike, and even though you have the same rules as them, some may believe it’s up to you to yield to them.
Other drivers are simply reckless, putting everyone at risk regardless of the vehicles they use. A man was stuck in Lincoln by a suspected drunk driver, someone who proves this point. The news reports that the man and a group of cyclists were traveling back to their vehicles at approximately 10:00 p.m., near A and 33rd street. The group, made up of approximately 15 riders, stopped for a red light. When it turned green, the leader went first through the intersection where he was struck by a driver who ran the red light.
The driver T-boned the cyclist, forcing the cyclist onto the man’s vehicle. The cyclist’s body broke the windshield and eventually went onto the roof of the vehicle. The driver didn’t stop. Fortunately, the police were able to identify the driver as a 25-year-old man who is now suspected of drunk driving and charged with driving under suspension, reckless driving and leaving the scene of an injury accident.
The cyclist was badly hurt but survived the incident. He had four broken ribs, a broken leg and multiple lacerations and bruises. Like him, if you’re injured in a crash, you can pursue compensation to help you cover your lost wages and medical expenses.
Source: Lincoln Journal Star, “‘Hit him full on’: Beatrice council member struck after group bike ride in Lincoln,” Peter Salter, Sep. 22, 2017