Some Lincoln drivers are comfortable turning right after stopping at a red light. Others are not so sure that it is legal. What is the answer? Would a driver end up in legal hot water if that driver turned right on red? According to Nebraska law, there is no problem with making right turns at a red light, provided the driver follows through on certain actions.
Nebraska law spells out what a driver is to do before turning on red. First, the driver should stop at a marked stop line, or before entering a crosswalk, or prior to crossing an intersection if there is no marking available. From there, the driver must yield to pedestrians and oncoming traffic that have the right of way before crossing into the intersection to make a right turn.
However, there may be instances where a driver is barred from turning right even if no one else has the right of way. According to state law, law enforcement can place traffic control devices at the intersection that forbid motorists from turning right. These control devices can take the form of signs that prohibit right turns. Sometimes police may be on hand to direct traffic.
Drivers in the city of Lincoln should be aware that the rules on turning right change when the red light is an arrow. According to the Lincoln Journal Star, the city has recently instituted an ordinance clarifying that drivers cannot make right turns on red arrows. The city has since removed signs that remind motorists not to turn right on a red arrow so that drivers do not assume that such signs are needed in conjunction with a red arrow.
Understanding the laws on turning right on red can help keep you out of legal trouble, plus they decrease the chances of getting into a motor vehicle accident. By recognizing when drivers and pedestrians have the right of way before turning on red, you can safely cross into an intersection with minimal risk to yourself or anyone else.