Most couples in Nebraska choose to express intimacy by sharing a bed with one another. However, the New York Times reports that, according to one survey, approximately one-fourth of all couples choose to sleep separately. However, this perceived unwillingness to share is not necessarily a signal that the relationship is in trouble. Most of these couples choose to sleep apart from one another to avoid sleep disruptions that may result from a spouse’s restlessness or differing sleep schedule. In fact, some couples report that their relationship is stronger and more solid because of the decision to sleep apart. In another poll, almost half of the participants, 46%, expressed a wish to try sleeping apart from their spouses.
Your spouse’s tendency to snore or commandeer the covers may make it more difficult for you to get a restful night’s sleep. This can put undue stress on you. As a result, you may become more irritable and more likely to provoke conflicts with your partner. Eliminating the disturbances by sleeping in a separate bed, or even in a separate room, may allow you to get the sleep you need and lower your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. As a result, you may feel less resentment and irritability, which may mean less conflict with your spouse.
There are many different ways for couples to sleep separately. Some have separate beds in the same room, while others take turns sleeping in the spare room. Some couples designate a separate bedroom for each couple. Sleeping separately is not a solution for every couple, however, and sleeping together has benefits as well.
If you are wondering whether you and your spouse could benefit from such an arrangement, the time to discuss it is not in the middle of the night when you are feeling tired and frustrated. Rather, you should choose a time when you are both feeling calm and comfortable, preferably during the day.
The information in this article is not intended as legal advice but provided for educational purposes only.